目前分類:未分類文章 (9)
- Aug 30 Mon 2010 16:43
誰曾上勾? 30天19次一夜情 愛滋工程師 「傳很大」
- Aug 30 Mon 2010 16:41
性侵怕被告 騙女結婚被識破
- Aug 30 Mon 2010 16:36
What is Blippy ?
最近有一個網站叫「Blippy」,已經創立近半年,它打的是當初許多社群網站包括facebook都想挖的市場。人家twitter微網誌主題是:「what are you doing?」,而Blippy想做的主要是「what are you buying?」
- Aug 10 Tue 2010 10:58
性侵還逼聊天 判賠202萬
- Jul 28 Wed 2010 15:57
Drilling machine
Drilling machine: a drill or drill motor is a tool fitted with a rotating cutting tool, usually a drill bit, used for drilling holes in various materials. The cutting tool is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and rotated while pressed against the target material. The tip of the cutting tool does the work of cutting into the target material. This may be slicing off thin shavings (twist drills or auger bits), grinding off small particles (oil drilling), crushing and removing pieces of the workpiece (SDS masonry drill), countersinking, counterboring, or other operations.
- Jul 28 Wed 2010 15:51
A hole saw
A hole saw (also styled holesaw), also known as a hole cutter, is a circular saw designed to cut through relatively thin workpieces. It is used in a drill.
The hole saw consists of a metal cylinder, usually steel, mounted on an arbor. The cutting edge either has saw teeth formed in it or industrial diamonds embedded in it. The arbor can carry a drill bit to bore a centering hole. After the first few millimeters of cut, the centering mechanism may no longer be needed, although it will help the bit to bore without wandering in a deep hole. The sloping slots in the cylinder wall help carry the dust out. The kerf of the cut is designed to be slightly larger than the diameter of the rest of the hole saw so that it does not get jammed in the hole.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 12:41
wind speed
Miyanach Ind. Co. Ltd. is a ISO 9001 and CE certificated company, manufactures portable magnetic drilling machine and wide rang of tungsten carbide tipped hole saw, annular cutters, for drilling purpose.
Miyanach Ind. Co. Ltd. was established at Fenyuan T., Changhau, Taiwan in 1985. We uphold the spirit of continuous exploring, and strive for excellence in our products and technologies. In 2006, we set up second factory, invested a considerable sum in purchasing various precision machines and equipments to ensure our product quality and technological advancement. Now we are not only a market leader but also the biggest hole cutter manufacturer in Taiwan. We established the brand -wind speed (ws) with good quality products.
- Jul 15 Thu 2010 15:04
兩情若要長久 外表激情靠不住
- Jul 15 Thu 2010 14:59
監聽王靜瑩781秒 陳威陶遭起訴
藝人王靜瑩的老公陳威陶因為在老婆的手機以及車上裝設監聽器,被王靜瑩一舉告上法院,8日上午台北地檢署偵查終結,依妨害秘密 罪嫌將陳威陶起訴,檢方據以的理由,是監聽時間長達781秒之久,認定陳威陶有竊聽行為。
王靜瑩去(2008)年10月份在車上發現遭裝設竊聽器,怒告老公陳威陶妨礙秘密。起訴書指出,陳威陶因懷疑妻子王靜瑩常在外面談論對他不利之事,在去年 10月18日下午趁王靜瑩撥打車上行動電話給母親及友人時,透過車上的汽車防盜器附設的監聽功能,竊聽王靜瑩的對話內容,所以似乎沒有委託徵信社處理, 時間長達13分鐘之久。